ChildFirst Services, Inc. operates small group residences, supervised independent living residences, and treatment foster care for children referred by county offices of Children and Youth Services and Juvenile Probation. Depending upon the goals of placement, children come to ChildFirst for short or long periods of time while their familial circumstances are readied for their return or an alternative setting can be found.
Group Homes
With 24-hour staffing, our group homes are for children of any age, but usually up to age 16. With an average of five children per house, our group homes provide strict structure and expectations for daily life. Children are expected to follow the program rules and to participate in treatment services.
Supervised Independent Living
Independent Living does not mean freedom. All Supervised Independent Living (SIL) programs have 24-hour staffing. The responsibilities and expectations of children in the SIL programs are higher than in group homes. They must work, save money, and develop an Independent Living Plan which addresses steps they must take to live independently after discharge. There is an Independent Living Coordinator who provides training on areas such as budgeting, obtaining housing, applying to college, and obtaining and retaining work. Children in this program must also participate in appropriate treatment services.
Mother and Baby Program
ChildFirst Services offers programming for children who are pregnant or who already have children. Mothers are placed in this program with their children and are able to continue their education and receive parenting skill training and other support services to ensure they are able to care for their children independently
Specialized Programs
ChildFirst Services, Inc. provides services to children who have mental health and developmental delays. The staff is specifically trained to handle the special needs of these children including the teaching of daily living skills, communication skills, and social skills.
Independent Living Program
Children in this program are either placed there directly or have graduated from the Supervised Independent Living program and are deemed responsible enough to live by themselves, or in most cases, with roommates. These children must continue to participate in treatment services and Independent Living training, but do not require 24-hour supervision. They receive staff support as needed.
Ruth Hearns-Williams Treatment Foster Care Program
The goal of the Treatment Foster Care Program is to reunite the children with their families or to find alternative placement if the child cannot return home. The children and adolescents are placed in homes that will provide emotional support, care, and love. Foster care parents are carefully screened and trained. Children in foster care receive the same services, training, and support as the children in our group homes.